Rowlett Academy will host a special Parent University event to help families gear up for the 2018-2019 school year. This exciting event features a variety of helpful Courses hosted by staff, parents, and community volunteers. Topics include, but are not limited to, Modern Math, Building Resilient Children, Knowing and Growing Your Child as a Reader, Learning Differences Rather than Disorders, Parent-to-Parent Discussions and the ever-helpful, “Welcome to Kindergarten!”
The event kicks off at 9AM in Flynn Hall where our new principal, Dr. Chuck Fradley, will welcome families and explain the rationale behind the always highly attended event. “Our parents are deeply involved in every aspect of the school and are totally vested in the success of every child at Rowlett,” notes Fradley. Additionally, guest alumni will speak to their experiences as Rowlett students.
Courses are offered over three sessions at 9:35AM, 10:30AM, and 11:25AM, respectively. The event will also include a vendor fair featuring Rowlett’s own published student author, 4th grader Ry’Ael Holmes (Small Tales From Ry'Ael: A Series of Short Stories - Volume 1), The Boy Scouts, The Girl Scouts, Manatee Apparel, and more! Childcare will be available for students school-aged children. Following the sessions, lunch will be provided in the cafeteria (Noon-1PM). A traditional “Meet your Teacher” open house will be available in classrooms from 1:00PM - 3:00PM.