Fair Funding for Charter Schools

Hello Rowlett Academy K-8,

We are contacting you regarding an important issue affecting our school’s funding. As you may or may not be aware, our community pays a half-cent sales tax meant to support ALL public schools, including Rowlett Academy and all the other Public Charter Schools in Manatee County.

Regrettably, since the 2023-2024 school year, the Manatee County School District has withheld these funds from Charter Schools.

This means that while our families contribute the same tax dollars as everyone else, our school isn’t receiving the equal support it needs for facilities, technology, and other essential resources. This is not just a technicality—it’s a matter of fairness and equal opportunity for our children. This is an especially important matter as 20% of all students in Manatee County attend a charter school.

We ask that you join us in demanding that Rowlett Academy (and all charter schools in our county) receive the rightful share of funding. Please visit Petition for Fair Funding for Charter Schools or go to mccharters.net to learn more about the issue and take action. Your voice is crucial in ensuring that every student benefits equally from our community’s investment in education.

Thank you for your support.


Chuck Fradley, EdD
Director of Operations
Rowlett Academy

